
How To Set Up A Lenovo Smart Clock

GearBrain has tested many types of smart devices that are compatible with Google Assistant. The outset smart alarm clock that worked with Google Assistant we tested was the Lenovo Smart Clock. This petty smart warning clock was a viable smart device designed for employ in whatsoever room in your smart dwelling house, but we felt it worked best in your bedroom. Information technology did have a touchscreen interface which was a trivial quirky and it only came in one color. Recently, Lenovo sent u.s. their 2nd generation smart clock, the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 to test. Over the by few months, we tested this new smart clock to see what type of improvements the visitor fabricated to this Google Assistant enabled device. And we were impressed with what nosotros experienced. Here is our review of the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 with Charging Dock and Google Assistant.

​What is Lenovo Smart Clock 2?

Lenovo Smart Clock 2 with charging station unboxed on a countertop

Lenovo Smart Clock 2 with Charging Station unboxed.


Lenovo Smart Clock ii is the 2d generation of Lenovo's Smart Clock. You can get it with or without a wireless charging pad for you to charge your smart alert clock as well as a smartphone and/or a vesture. It has a 4-inch LCD bear on screen to showcase the time, weather condition and photos. You lot can even customize the face displays and adjust the brightness so it can role like a nightlight. Information technology is wrapped in a textile that comes in Completeness Blue or Heather Grayness. The clock works on an Android 10 operating arrangement and comes with a MediaTek MT8167S Processor (1.50GHz) and 1GB RM + 8GB Flash.

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Lenovo Smart Clock ii Comes with Google Banana Built-in

Connecting Lenovo Smart Clock 2 to home Wi-Fi using Google Home app

Lenovo Smart Clock 2 has Google Assistant Congenital-in to make set up a breeze.


The Lenovo Smart Clock 2 not merely works with Google Assistant devices, just it likewise comes with Google Banana built-in. What does this mean? It ways this smart warning clock can office just like a Google Assistant smart speaker and display. Once continued to your home Wi-Fi router (using either 5 GHz or ii.4 GHz connectedness), you lot can use the device's Fairfield microphone array to make voice commands to any compatible Google Assistant devices. You tin can also play music from your smartphone using Bluetooth 4.2 connection. Lenovo added new and improved 1.5" 3W front-firing speakers with air duct blueprint to provide improve audio quality than the original Lenovo Smart Clock.

As well good sound, this smart clock also has a microphone mute toggle likewise as volume controls (upwards and down). The mute button provides some privacy protection which is overnice. As well, the two-way communication is helpful when you want to plow your smart clock into an intercom by broadcasting your vocalisation to other Google Assistant compatible speakers and devices, like a Smart Boob tube with Google Assistant congenital in. A nice feature to take when you desire to brand certain everyone hears when dinner is fix.

Lenovo Smart Clock vs Lenovo Smart Clock two - Which is Better?

Lenovo Smart Clock 2 with wireless charging station on a desk getting setup.

Lenovo Smart Clock ii is a new and improved version of the origiinal Lenovo smart clock.


GearBrain tested both versions of Lenovo smart alarm clocks in existent homes and saw many similarities likewise every bit differences. For instance, both smart clocks piece of work on either a 5 GHz or two.4 GHz Wi-Fi connexion and come with a ane-year warranty. Both smart alarm clocks can work on a Bluetooth connexion even so the original Lenovo Smart Clock works on a Bluetooth five.0 connexion while the new Lenovo Smart Clock two works on a Bluetooth 4.two wireless connection. Each of these smart alert clocks have the same size speakers and displays, but the 2nd Gen smart clock does have an improved audio. The sound is a event a new and improved speaker.

Both smart clocks come up with a iv-inch brandish, withal, Lenovo Smart Clock uses a LED brandish while the new Smart Clock 2 has an LCD touchscreen which yous tin also adapt the 2nd Gen display's brightness for it to piece of work like a nightlight.

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When nosotros looked at the other features, we establish the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 comes with better storage, processing power and memory than the Lenovo Smart Clock original. And the Lenovo Smart Clock two works on an Android 10 operating system versus the original having to employ a Linux operating system.

Some other difference we noticed between these two Lenovo clocks is the wireless charging station. The original Lenovo smart clock does accept a port to charge your smartphone or devices. However, you can add to the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 a wireless charging pad. It will allow you to not only charge your smartphone on a Magsafe uniform charging dock, but y'all could also charge other smart devices like a smartwatch or fettle tracker. But connect the charging cord to the back of the charging pad.

Overall, the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 has a better sound, touch control, processor, storage, nightlight capabilities and connectivity then the original Lenovo Smart Clock. And when you add the new charging capabilities, this 2nd Gen smart clock volition shine in whatever bedroom or room in your home.

How to Setup Lenovo Smart Clock 2

Setting up Lenovo Smart Clock 2 with Google Home app using the screen.

Connect Lenovo Smart Clock to Google Home app using the touchscreen display.


Setting up Lenovo Smart Clock 2 is extremely easy. It actually is "a plug and play" smart device and the set-upwards process is as easy equally setting up any Google Assistant enabled device, like Google Nest Mini or Nest Hub 2d Gen. Just unbox your smart clock, plug it in and connect it to the Google Dwelling app. On the Google Habitation app domicile screen, select the "+" push and so "Set upwards device." Yous will need to select "New Devices" next. (Tip: don't select "Works with Google". Fifty-fifty though the smart clock is made by Lenovo, it's considered a Google device and non a "Works with Google" production.)

When y'all select "New Devices" on the Google Dwelling house app, Google will start to look for the Lenovo Smart clock and add it to your app. Y'all will need to proper name information technology and select the room the device will be used. Naming. your device is an of import pace and needed for when you desire to apply phonation commands on the device.

Once installed, you tin can set up display themes, notifications, sound levels, alarms and all the other features y'all want on your smart warning clock. Set time volition accept simply a few minutes.

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Lenovo Smart Clock display in Google Home app. Google Home app is where Lenovo Smart Clock is setup and controlled. GearBrain

How much does the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 cost?

The new Lenovo Smart Clock 2 has a retail price of $69.99 but is available on the Lenovo website for only $59.99. If y'all would like the Lenovo Smart Clock ii with the charging station, its retail price is $89.99 but available on the Lenovo site for simply $79.99.

Nosotros accept seen Lenovo Smart Clock 2 and Lenovo Smart Clock 2 with Charging Dock available on the following retailer's sites at attractive prices:

  • Best Buy – Smart Clock 2 and Smart Clock 2 with Charging Dock (click on each to run into current price)
  • Walmart - Smart Clock 2 and Smart Clock 2 with Charging Dock (click on each to come across electric current price)
  • Other consumer electronics retailers

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Lenovo Smart Clock 2 on a nightstand showiing the current weather outside on its display Lenovo Smart Clock displays local conditions on its display. GearBrain

Testing Results - How well did Lenovo Smart Clock 2 perform during our testing

Afterwards testing the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 in a real habitation with normal connectivity, we constitute it to piece of work exceptionally well. Ready was quick and piece of cake. Choosing the brandish themes every bit well as the effulgence was as well simple. When we played music, the sound was decent, peculiarly for a smart alarm clock. Information technology reminded us of the sound quality from a quality portable Bluetooth speaker with no app to adjust the sound quality.

Ane interesting function we noticed during testing was how the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 interacted with Google Banana compatible cameras and video doorbells. Like all Google Assistant smart displays, you can ask Google to alive stream video from cameras and video doorbells. Fifty-fifty though the Lenovo Smart Clock two has a minor touchscreen display, information technology can't stream video from your cameras. We would have liked to encounter this functionality, specially if y'all are using the smart clock in your sleeping room. How many times at nighttime do yous hear a sound outside and want to apace come across what'due south going on. Having the ability to ask Google to live stream from your outdoor security camera onto the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 would be a bully characteristic and something Lenovo and Google should consider in next generations.

What nosotros liked most about Lenovo Smart Clock 2 was the wireless charging pad. Having a charging pad tied to your alarm clock nice. My married woman and I oftentimes fight over the charging cord we have in our bedroom, specially when we need a piffling juice for our smartphones earlier starting the day or going out. Having this Magsafe uniform charging dock with an boosted USB-A port to add together another charging cord to power up another smartphone or perchance a wearable, smartwatch or fitness tracker, helps the states both. Nevertheless, there is additional cost for this accessory.

Backside of Lenovo Smart Clock 2 Charging Station showing extra USB-A port. Lenovo Smart Clock ii's charging station comes with a USB-A port for yous to accuse additional smart devices. GearBrain


The Lenovo Smart Clock ii is a new and improved version of the 1st Gen Lenovo Smart Clock as well as Lenovo Clock Essential. Though both smart alarm clocks were worthy smart devices, the newer Lenovo Smart Clock 2 comes with more power, storage, improve audio and if you lot want a wireless charging dock to brand your life easier.

If y'all are an Amazon Alexa house, yous might not like this smart alarm clock. Fifty-fifty though, many smart devices in your domicile might be uniform with both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant vocalization platforms, Lenovo Smart Clock 2 is non compatible with Alexa. Also, yous are better off looking at the Amazon Echo Dot with Clock if you want a smart alarm clock. Information technology has a comparable speaker and can office similar a smart alarm clock at an attractive cost (only $34.00). However, you don't get a touchscreen display.

Some other challenge for the new and improved Lenovo Smart Clock two is when you compare the device to other Google Banana smart speakers and displays. Users will discover the Nest Hub has a better performing touchscreen and you can live stream video from your compatible security cameras and video doorbells. But, this smart speaker and display comes at a higher price. Also, the size of the smart display might be a footling too much for your nightstand. There is as well the Google Nest Mini which is cheap right now (only $24.99) and tin part like a smart alarm clock. However, information technology doesn't have a display which tin function like a nightlight and provide photos and visualized weather reports.

Overall, if you lot are a Google Banana home and want to add a smart device that can play quality music, part as an intercom, works with Google Banana smart speakers and displays, has built-in privacy protection (i.east., a mute button and no camera) and has a Magsafe uniform wireless charging dock, the Lenovo Smart Clock 2 is the smart clock we recommend for your smart abode.


  • Google Assistant built-in
  • Quality sound
  • Powerful processor
  • Magsafe compatible


  • Does non work with Amazon Alexa
  • Cost (when not on sale)

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