
Nikon D90 How To Set Timer

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c1 - c5: Timers/AE lock

How to Go Here

Press Menu, go to the left and select upwardly and down to the pencil icon. You'll then see CUSTOM SETTING MENU on the color LCD. Click downward to c TIMERS/AE&AF LOCK and click to the right.

What it Does

AE lock is of import to getting perfect files straight from the D90 without editing.

Timers optimize bombardment life vs. convenience.

What I Change

I leave these alone.

c1 Shutter-release button AE-50        acme

This lets you lot lock the exposure with the shutter button, like a point-and-shoot camera. Y'all don't want that, so leave this ane alone.

The D90 has a dedicated AE Lock push. You don't want the shutter push to lock exposure.

c2 Auto meter-off delay        meridian

This sets how long the meter stays awake.

Shorter times volition salve the battery.

Set it longer if you take to continue hitting the shutter to wake the meter in the middle of composing shots.

c3 Self-timer delay        top

This sets the self-timer delay.

10 seconds is for taking Christmas card photos of yourself.

2 seconds is for replacing mirror lock-up when using a tripod with long exposures.

New on the D90 is the option to select how many exposures are made. The default is one, and you may choose up to 9.

c4 Monitor-off filibuster        top

This sets how long the rear LCD stays lit.

The D90 only offers the power to select the times for Playback, Menus, the INFO display and Image Review separately. This is new with the D90 and D700.

c5 Remote-on delay        top

This selects for how long the D90 stays on and waits for a indicate when set to receive a indicate from the optional $17 ML-L3 infra-red remote release.


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     SHOOTING Menu

     CUSTOM SETTING Carte du jour

          a Autofocus

          b Metering/Exposure

          c Timers/AE&AF Lock

          d Shooting/Brandish < < NEXT

          e Bracketing/Flash

          f Controls

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Nikon D90 How To Set Timer,


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